
Based on WeChat platform to provide WeChat small program, public number custom development, combined with Vue, React and other front-end framework technology, improve the operation experience and interaction.


In the era of rapid development of the Internet, WeChat has become the object of choice for more users by virtue of its strong user base, the use of public platforms, small programs and other advantages, such as no need to log in and register, no need to download.

The public platform \ applet realized the dream of application "at your fingertips", users can open the application by scan or search.It also embodies the "use it up, go it out" philosophy, where users don't have to worry about installing too many apps.Applications will be ubiquitous and ready to use without installation or uninstallation.

  • Faster
  • Do not need to log in
  • Without registration
  • 600 million potential customers
  • Experience stronger
  • Don't need to download

Platform Development Services

  • WeChat service number development

    WeChat service number development, for enterprises, organizations custom function more secure, more powerful public number service platform, a development, permanently improve the business ability of enterprises and organizations and user management ability, at the same time make marketing more simple.

  • WeChat subscription number development

    WeChat subscription number development helps media and individuals build super "we media" platform, providing simple pictures, texts, voice video, etc., and more user-friendly user management mode.

  • WeChat small program development

    WeChat applet is a new open function, which can be easily acquired and transmitted in WeChat. It has a better use experience and wins a hundred billion market for enterprises.

  • WeChat enterprise development

    WeChat enterprise number customized development, based on the needs of enterprises and organizations, to establish efficient, simple, smooth internal and external collaboration, improve work efficiency.


  • Micro-official Website Development

    Micro official website is a symbol of corporate strength, corporate brand image, in the fierce competition in the industry, the enterprise can only continue to innovate in an invincible position;Through the development of micro official website, from the official account menu into the enterprise micro official website page, show the high-end corporate brand image.

  • Micro-mall Development

    Enterprises in the WeChat public platform to build online sales mall stores, to achieve a real mobile e-commerce;Let the mobile phone quickly contact brand products, no need to log in, just fill in the address, instant payment, to achieve online interaction between merchants and customers.

  • Differential Pin Development

    Differential sales system helps enterprises to open a new distribution model, so that fans can effectively acquire the traffic of moments in real time and quickly generate distribution purchase and commission, and help distributors to obtain high profit return with low input.

  • Micro-marketing Development

    Micro marketing services mainly include shake, lucky draw, red envelopes, big wheel, voting activities, scraping music, throwing golden eggs and other marketing tools, arouse the interest and attention of users to the business WeChat, in order to achieve the marketing purpose.

  • Micro-member Development

    Fans can register as WeChat members. Customers can obtain membership privileges. Merchants can collect customer information for CRM customer management.

  • Micropayment Function Development

    WeChat payment has become the mainstream payment method of mobile payment. The development of WeChat payment function realizes multiple ways of WeChat payment by binding bank CARDS, providing convenient payment methods for customers and better micro marketing for enterprises and merchants.

Development Standards

  • Faster and more efficient

    Using the mainstream network language architecture, the website runs faster

  • More stable

    Maintain a stable and effective browsing experience

  • Better compatibility

    Compatibility of major global browsers and smartphone platforms

  • Higher security

    Website data confidentiality and security measures first-class to ensure the safety of the site

  • scalability

    Develop reserved extension functions to make it easier to add new functions later

Suitable For Industry

  • Mall shopping

  • financial industry

  • Food and beverage order

  • Life service

  • Education and training

  • Scenic spots

  • OA office

  • Other industries